
What are Wire Rope Mounts?

Wire rope mounts anti shock vibration coil radial mounts

These are also known as Helical Coil Mounts, Radial Coil Mounts or Wire Rope Isolators. While most often found in heavier-duty applications by virtue of its strength, the wire-rope mounts’ capacity to cope with vibration and movement in all three dimensions make it ideally placed for anything from shock absorption in camera mounts to mission critical products in potentially high shock environments where an unshakable (but vibration attenuating) grip is required.

They have high levels of built-in damping, just like a rubber product. They can also be high deflection, so can work at low forcing frequencies and with shock absorption.

  • They are failsafe
  • Huge range of applications
  • Super strong
  • Able to protect in all three dimensions
  • Great looks when on show

Wire Rope Mounts