Military & Defence

Military & Defence

Delivering results time and time again

Higher design and quality standards; every day products might work, but more often than not additional requirements to pass the most severe tests and environments.

Our military mounts are used across all 3 military forces, peace-keeping vehicles and the RNLI. We’ve everything you need to deliver a product you can trust to function perfectly in the field.

Crafting complex components

Our products counter and absorb extreme vibration and impact. That’s why our anti vibration solutions are highly relevant for the Military.

Tanks aren’t exactly known for treading softly but AVMR’s caterpillar track covers mean that even the heaviest of brutes can absorb vibration, on a variety of surfaces. Our unique track ‘shoes’ formed from a bespoke rubber formulation give caterpillar tracks the traction they require with a greatly reduced level of impact.

Why choose to partner with us

Whether we source or manufacture, our knowledge and our analysis will ensure we find the right answers faster. We iterate tooling and products quickly to get the right products to market sooner.

Streamlined process for faster timescales

Streamlined process for faster timescales

Streamlined process for faster timescales

Streamlined process for faster timescales

Streamlined process for faster timescales

Streamlined process for faster timescales