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Choosing a simple Anti-Vibration Mount? Part 4: Mount Selection

 Written by Daniel Lawes

Now that we have our desired deflection (from part 2) and our load per foot (from part 3), it is time to find products which fit the bill.  There are plenty on our shop at

Well tested AV mounts will normally be specified with deflection graphs, like the one below, for our SW-R mounts:

Sohpisticaled Rubber Sandwich mounts

AVMR’s SW-R Sandwich Mount range: compression data and image

Note: 1 daN is broadly equivalent to 1kg

This graph has a series of deflection lines which show how much each variant deflects with load.  This will normally be given in partnership with the maximum suggested loads for the product.

We have decided that AVMR’s SW-R range of products is right for our application, so want to find a variant which deflects around 10mm under 250kg (or circa 250daN)

Looking at the variants available, we can see that the following options are closest:

SW-R mount compression data (excuse the wobbly ‘blue peter’ lines drawn)

  1. SW-R3 will deflect circa 14mm*
  2. SW-R4 will deflect circa 10mm
  3. SW-R5 will deflect circa 7mm

When the anticipated deflections are taken from the product deflection graph, this can be reviewed in the Isolation Graph from Part 2 and isolation levels predicted (see info in brackets, below).

  1. SW-R3 will give 90-95% isolation*
  2. SW-R4 will give 90% isolation
  3. SW-R5 will give 80-90% isolation

SW-R4 gives us exactly what we were looking for, while options 3 and 5 are close.  We could push to increase the isolation with SW-R5, or reduce work that the mount has to conduct and go for SW-R3.  The ultimate decision depends on overall requirements and priorities.

* NOTE: that SW-R3 has a maximum recommended load of 225kg, so it would be recommended to either avoid using this option, or at a minimum, speak to an expert.

Relevant Links:

For other parts of of this lesson, click here:

  1. Introduction to this lesson
  2. Basic Principles of Vibration Management
  3. Static Deflection
  4. Load

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